The Wedge Got Huge This Weekend - Surfing

This past week Southern California had a large swell which caused the famous spot in Newport Beach, CA called “The Wedge” to get pretty big. The media circus showed up on May 19th which hyped up the swell even more.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Getting Back At It - General

Winter is finally winding down here in San Diego and I find myself wanting to wander outside more to experience this amazing weather.  Unfortunately, I spent most of my winter indoors which left me with little content to add here other then my boring gym routine.  I stayed in shape by going to the gym, for some "scheduled movement", instead of getting outside to take part in Surfing, Skating, Land Paddling, etc...  I definitely feel like I hit a wall when it comes to motivation due to the lack of variety with my physical activity choices.  My choices at the gym are limited to the basic cardio equipment you would find at your local gym.  I used the stair master mostly because I find that machine leaves me drained after a 20 to 40 minute session.  While these machines...

Saturday, May 12, 2012

What Is Suspension Training? - Suspension Training

Suspension training has been gaining in its popularity in the past few years. This style of workout utilizes a set of straps that are anchored to a solid mounting point as well as your bodyweight to create an intense training session. Advocates of suspension training state that it is a great full body workout because, not only does it train the specific muscle group you are targeting, it also engages your core during every workout session. The basic concept is that you mount a pair of specifically designed straps and then perform various exercises that use only your own bodyweight as resistance.  If done properly it is a very intense...

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